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2012 ElectionOpinionPolitics

The Sleeping Giant Awakens … And Then Dozes Off

We had so much momentum in the 2010 midterm elections. But now we have four more
years of big government tyrannical reign. So much so that I honestly do not know if we can ever get back to a small government, free-market America.

The first term got us Obamacare, which it now appears there is no chance of getting repealed. We’ve made our bed and now we have to lie in it.

How did we get here? Years of brainwashing from public education, conditioning from the media, and political correctness are a few of the culprits. Stupidity and selfishness of buying into politicians’ promises that they can make our lives better has also played a role. Trading self reliance and freedom for a false sense of security.

I am almost to the point that I say give the ruling class (elected officials) what they want … It would be cheaper to pay a reasonable ransom so they would let our hostage (America) free.

Let’s give everyone in the Congress & Senate $10 million each if they’ll end all the government handout programs, resign, and then move to another country. It’d be much cheaper in the long run because now most of them get rich off of laws they put into place and gain votes by pandering to various demographics. We have the cost of the programs they use to buy votes plus the cost of making themselves wealthy. The cycle must be broken.

Why not cut our losses and start fresh? Of course I know this is not really a possibility but I truly wish it was. In my opinion we have reached the tipping point in America and there’s no turning back.

America has stopped striving for greatness and has accepted mediocracy. Hopefully my generation realizes we are partially to blame. Call me old fashioned but maybe we shouldn’t have given little Johnny a participation trophy for being a mediocre, clumsy, little dweeb just because he was on the team. And perhaps a belt to the behind would have been a better choice than a time out
during a temper tantrum.

I know parents always want their kids to have it better and easier than they had it, but parents forget that the hard work and sacrifice is what builds character. It teaches delayed gratification and that if you want something then strive for it. The more you give the more the kid expects and the more they feel entitled.

I’ve got no words of wisdom to give for a solution to this problem as of now, short of a nation wide flood. Perhaps I should start building an ark. Maybe I’ll start thinking a little more clearly by next week and get out of this what-the-hell-just-happened funk from Tuesday’s results.

Image: courtesy of Ludwig von Maydell (1795-1846; public domain/copyright has expired.

Todd W. Reed

Todd W. Reed is a Californian transplanted to Georgia and a small business owner - frustrated that he sees GA becoming like the CA he fled. He is involved with the Tea Party and ran for a GA House Seat last year; missed the run off by 40 something votes.