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Almost 150 Newtowns, Every Single Day

Screen Shot 2013-01-20 at 4.56.55 PMThis week is the 40th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, the landmark Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion in America. Since the decision, over 56 million innocent children have been aborted, an average of 3,835 lives per day. That’s worth repeating: Every day around 3,835 innocent lives are taken by abortion, higher than any other cause, and yet this sad fact is known by so few of the public or rarely reported by the media.

In contrast, consider the public attention brought to Adam Lanza’s shooting spree in Newtown, Connecticut just over a month ago that took the lives of 26 people, including 20 second-graders at Sandy Hook Elementary who left this earth way too early.

The tragedy rightfully dominated public consciousness and the news for a week, and the aftermath is still being covered, as it should, as we attempt to discern how to reduce the incident of such attacks.

But should the tragedy of abortion be covered less than the tragedy of Newtown?

In terms of lives lost, the daily number of abortions equates to having almost 150 Newtowns every single day for an entire year for 40 straight years.

And yet there is no daily coverage of this fact. Why does Newtown shock us but not abortion?

Are the innocent lives taken by abortion not as equal, not as valuable to us?

Many would consider abortion an even greater tragedy as the child is not given a chance to live for even one moment on this Earth.