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Church Stuff

Atheist Church Service Held In London

Atheist ChurchThis past Sunday, the first atheist church service of Britain was held at The Nave in London. It is important to note that The Nave used to be a church, but is now a performance space. The service was led by two stand-up comedians, Sanderson Jones and Pippa Evans, because they wanted a place where godless people could fellowship and build each other up. The January 6th service had 200 members, prayer time was replaced with meditation time, and worship songs were instead songs by Oasis and Queen.

Ironically, the atheist service was not just receiving controversy from the religious folk, but from their own side. Atheists were condemning the service as an establishment of their belief, or lack thereof, as a religion. Many atheists were not pleased about it being held in a former church either. Though the church is no longer a place of worship, and has not been for some time now, atheists have expressed their discomfort with a godless church hosting its service in a former church.

Is this something that will gain momentum in the atheist movement? What do you think?

Read about it at:

Andres Ortiz

Andres Ortiz is the founder of The Saving, a ministry that plays heavy music with heavier Christian content. His new album "David Star", based on the life of David, comes out March 9th, 2014. Follow @andresaving on twitter.