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Ask the Gun Grabbers: What Are the Stakes?

Now let’s consider the consequences if the opponents of Mr. Martinez are wrong. Imagine that gun regulations double and then triple, making it next to impossible to legally obtain a firearm in America. Carrying a weapon is outlawed and ownership of firearms in the home is so regulated that only wealthy Americans are able to afford the accident insurance premiums, mandated by law. The black-market gun industry is weakened but alive, utilized by average citizens rarely and career criminals daily. The police and military have lots of firearms, but the average response time for most emergency responders doubles and then triples, due to increased demand, leaving the average citizen more and more vulnerable. Classes are taught by the Colorado State University staff nationwide, instructing women how to vomit or urinate on command in order to scare away their would-be attackers.

Now imagine that an American with dictatorial desires manages to gain control of the government, either through election by the sheeple or a military coup. How effectively will the American people be able to resist, given the fact that a mere handful are armed and the authorities have all the weapons? Yes, it seems preposterous because it has never happened here, but ask Manuel Martinez if it can happen. Ask some of the few remaining survivors of Nazi death camps if it’s possible. Ask someone who survived Mao’s Revolution how they were able to resist the government and the authorities. Find someone who lived in East Berlin before the Wall fell.

It can happen, it has happened, it will happen again. Britain is hovering dangerously close to complete disarmament and their justice system will likely push them over the edge to complete disarmament. Did you know that they now have knife control laws? That’s right, knife control. Guess getting rid of all the guns didn’t smooth things out after all. Thank God for men and women like Manuel Martinez who have seen the horrors of totalitarianism and are willing to relive that nightmare in the hopes of wakening Americans from their spineless stupor.

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Luke Hamilton

Luke Hamilton is classically-trained, Shakespearean actor from Eugene, Oregon who happens to be a liberty-loving, right-wing, Christian constitutionalist. When not penning columns for, Hamilton spends his time astride the Illinois-Wisconsin border, leading bands of liberty-starved citizens from the progressive gulags of Illinois to [relative] freedom. Hamilton is the creative mind/voice behind Pillar & Cloud Productions, a budding production company which resides at He owes all to his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, whose strength is perfected in his weakness.