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Islam: Dogma of Death

In fact, the surviving bomber explicitly stated that he and his sibling were waging war against Dar al Harb in the name of Allah and the Ummha (global Islamic community).
Yet, sadly — our spineless leaders ignore such strident declarations and instead cling to the politically correct notion that Islam is a “tolerant” and “peaceful” religion that has been co-opted by a small gaggle of bloodthirsty radicals.  

Alexander Hamilton once stated that “In disquisitions of every kind there are certain primary truths, or first principles, upon which all subsequent reasoning must depend.”
America’s ruling class refuses to engage in any candid “disquisition” about Islam because the “primary truths” will lead to the “subsequent reasoning” that: It is the Dogma of Death.  

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Pete Parker

Pete Parker is a Navy veteran and former strength athlete who writes about the current issues of the day from a conservative perspective. Pete was also the host of “TUFFTalk” radio which dealt with national security-- and the threat Islam poses to Western Civilization. He is very passionate about preserving our great nation’s Judeo-Christian heritage.