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News Clash

Hellish: 58 Graphic Details of the Gosnell Slaughter House

Screen Shot 2013-05-06 at 8.32.51 AMBelow are 58 graphic details that are included in the grand jury report and other media stories about the case as it continues:

  1. When authorities searched Gosnell’s office, they found bags and bottles holding aborted fetuses scattered throughout the building. –CNN
  2. “It would rain fetuses. Fetuses and blood all over the place,” testified one unlicensed medical school graduate who worked at the clinic. –NBC Philadelphia 
  3. Gosnell may have severed the spines of hundreds of born alive babies with scissors. – Report of the Grand Jury XXIII MISC. NO.0009901-2008 in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania
  4. One 28-week-old baby boy – featured in the trial – was found frozen in a gallon water bottle. – Report of the Grand Jury XXIII MISC. NO.0009901-2008 in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania
  5. One employee testified that she witnessed Gosnell snip the necks of more than 30 babies, and that he sometimes gave her just the feet of a fetus to place in formaldehyde. – NBC Philadelphia
  6. Gosnell kept up to 30 specimen jars containing fetal feet. Philadelphia Inquirer
  7. Gosnell told some of his employees the feet were for DNA testing and other employees they were for medical research. – Philadelphia Inquirer
  8. Gosnell severed the spine of one breathing, moving, born-alive baby and put the body in a plastic shoebox for disposal. – Report of theGrand Jury XXIII MISC. NO.0009901-2008 in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania
  9. “It jumped, the arm,” an employee testified after she performed a “snip” of the baby’s neck. – Delaware News Journal
  10. One former employee testified that a baby still alive after being aborted screamed one night, and that the baby’s eyes and mouth were not yet completely formed but it was still alive. – USA Today
  11. The baby was lying on a glass tray on a shelf. – Delaware News Journal
  12. “I can’t describe it. It sounded like a little alien,” one employee testified. – Delaware News Journal
  13. The baby was so big that Gosnell joked that “this baby is going to walk me home,” according to an employee at the clinic. –Philadelphia Inquirer
  14. One of the babies was reportedly moving and breathing for 20 minutes before an employee cut the spinal cord – Report of theGrand Jury XXIII MISC. NO.0009901-2008 in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania
  15. One former employee testified that she was so upset at the sight of the large baby’s bloody, mangled body that she took a photo with her cellphone. – Philadelphia Inquirer

Read the remaining 43 horrific details via The Washington Examiner…