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HuffPo So In Love with ‘Gay Noah’s Ark’ Painting

PHOTO_2730932_16878_2742293_apTwisting Bible stories for the gay agenda? Yup, that’s right up HuffPo’s alley.

The Huffington Post’s “Gay Voices” blog was all praise yesterday for gay artist Paul Richmond’s schlocky painting called “Noah’s Gay Wedding Cruise,” which depicts gay couples aboard the Ark. HuffPo lauded Richmond’s work as a “whimsical, gay twist on the biblical narrative.”

(Gee, what’s next? A rewrite of the Gospels to claim Jesus was gay? Oh, wait, HuffPo already tried hyping that one. In fact, it’s quite a common trope on the left.)

The painting portrays gay couples – both human and animal – in romantic poses aboard the boat. Noah and his wife are absent, but conspicuous onboard are LGBT celebrities like Ellen DeGeneres and Elton John, and the characters from “Brokeback Mountain.” Richmond said he meant the painting to “express a sense of hope and optimism about our fight for marriage equality.”

“I chose to symbolize our eventual victory with my own version of the Noah’s Ark story,” explained Richmond, “complete with happy gay and lesbian animal couples and even some drowning sinners.”

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