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What Would Breaking Bad Look Like If Drugs Were Legal?

However, we can assume for the sake of discussion, that Walt’s formula is so impressive and safe that he is able to go up against his major competitors and take his product to the free market. With his savant like mastery of chemistry, and his desperate need to ensure a future for his family, Walt could sell his product to his consumers with absolutely no blood shed. He would not need to worry about his competitors savagely sabotaging his operation because it would mean a PR disaster for the aggressor (imagine the reaction if McDonalds tried to bomb a Burger King). Walt would also not have to fear for violence from the cartels, because in a legal and established market, violent cartels can not exist. To worry about the drug cartels in a legal market would be like a micro-brewery worrying that Al Capone and his liquor gang might knock down their door.

Walt would cook his concoction for as long as he could, in the safety of a legal market free from the threat of violence to himself or his customers. Walt’s sellers would be held responsible to the law, and his customers would have legal recourse against the manufacture and his sellers should they infringe upon their safety or health. It sounds strange to talk about the production of methamphetamines in such stoic, entrepreneurial terms. However the exertion of non-violent adults’ free will and judgment is what America is founded upon. There should be no reason why a Walter White could not be as accepted in society as a businessman as a tobacco farmer or brewery owner.

Bathtub gin would make you blind, and meth today will burn your teeth out of your gums: and yet there is no concoction known to man so toxic as the failed social experiment that is the war on drugs. The Horatio Alger story comes in all shapes and sizes. We don’t have to like the man, his product, or his dream to appreciate the living soul of the American spirit alive in the sadly untold story of Walter White in a world without prohibition. What would Breaking Bad look like if drugs were legal? To answer simply, it would be too safe and dull to make into a television show. After every episode of Breaking Bad, two things go through my head, say no to drugs, and say no to failed public policy.

Follow the author, Patrick Kane, at or on twitter @PatVKane

Image: originally posted to Flickr; author:; Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license

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Patrick Kane

Patrick Kane is a political activist based out of Boulder Colorado. He is currently employed by several of Colorado's preeminent think tanks and has worked in the liberty movement since he was fourteen. An aspiring writer, Patrick currently writes for Girls Just Want To Have Guns and Complete Colorado Page Two.