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If G.W. Bush Had a Son, He’d Look Like Christopher Lane

Imagine the Left’s reaction if the shocking, inter-racial murder of Christopher Lane had occurred when G.W Bush was president and he had stated, “If I had a son, he’d look like Christopher,” or “Christopher Lane could’ve been me 35 years ago.”  Undoubtedly, the race-peddlers and entire grievance industry would’ve interpreted his comments as a subtle war declaration against Black America.  Yet, when President Obama made these statements about Trayvon Martin, the Lefties claimed that he wasn’t being divisive, he was simply “keepin’ it real.”The racial dynamics of both Christopher Lane and Trayvon Martin’s scenarios have many people focusing on the similarities.  I, on the other hand, see stark contrasts.Unlike Trayvon Martin, Christopher Lane doesn’t have powerful, race-baiting allies in the Oval Office, Justice Department, media, and entertainment industry.  Assuredly, General Holder will not use Chris Lane’s senseless murder as a catalyst to pursue his often-requested national race dialogue.  Nope.  Nor will the Justice Department zealously create a tips hotline (in Zimmerman-like fashion) to build an airtight case against the Chris Lane’s shooter for a civil rights violation or hate crime, even though the alleged gunman once tweeted, “90% of white ppl are nasty. #HATE THEM.”


Taleeb Starkes

Taleeb Starkes is the author of a controversial book that confronts the subculture within the BLACK community titled, “THE UN-CIVIL WAR: BLACKS vs NI**ERS.” Find Taleeb on Twitter.