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Story Must Be Told, pt. 9: “I’m Really Smart — I’ve Went to College!”

These and other educational horror stories are now commonplace in the United States. And organizations such as the NEA do nothing, in the opinion of more and more people, to try and reverse the trend. In fact, the NEA does all it can to accelerate this disaster.

Meanwhile, the NEA’s annual budget is larger than the AFL-CIO’s, and in 1972 was saying things like, “We are the biggest potential striking force in the country. We are determined to control the direction of education. We will become the foremost political force in the country.” Since then, it has run thousands of its members through “political-action workshops,” sometimes giving graduate-study credit to attendees. In one election year alone, its political-action committees threw some $250 million into Democratic campaigns.

And of course, the corruption of education is continually aided and abetted by a Congress which believes that education’s problems can always be solved by larger and larger infusions of cash – tax dollars. Congress is simply in the thrall of an NEA which invests heavily in the Democratic Party, along with the neo-Marxist/neo-Freudian “educationist” cabal, which controls faculties and administrators, as well as the graduate schools of education. If you don’t think that education has become a “one-party” show, I would point out that many campus surveys reveal that Leftist Democratic professors, for instance, outnumber Republicans by 7:1, and in some cases 30:1 in the most influential “area” disciplines, such as literature, philosophy, the humanities, and history. As George Will pointed out recently, “Many campuses are intellectual versions of one-party nations.”

No, these “educationists” at the NEA (working the K – 12 crowd) and their brethren in Secondary Ed have so blatantly taken over and misused psychology (see my next column, if you need a laugh, or want to cry) in their effort to re-engineer human beings, that nothing they say or do can be taken at face value anymore. And as long as ideologues control these organizations, they will continue to drag the greatest educational system known to man deeper and deeper into the abyss.

Next week, we’ll delve into the wonderful world of brainwashing and mind-control with a column entitled, “This Is Your Brain – In a Group.”

Image: Author: Istar0; Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license

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Clark Howell

Clark Howell is a 50-something, former Liberal who, sometime in the mid 1980's, began to take notice of Ronald Reagan and the positive policies that he and his political allies brought to the table of American life and politics. Since first leaning about Barrack Obama and his ambitions in 2004, he has begun a quest to understand the motivations behind modern "Liberalism" and "Progresivism." Mr. Howell is a professional Marketing Consultant in Central Massachusetts.