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MORE PEOPLE HAVE SIGNED UP TO FRENCH KISS THE ANTI-CHRIST: Just 27,000 people signed up for Obamacare

The Obama administration is in full damage-control mode after the Department of Health and Human Services was forced to admit Wednesday that fewer than 27,000 signed up for Obamacare health plans through the disastrous as of Nov. 2.

The federal government’s horrible numbers come out to 744 people per state.

Thirty-six states are relying on to process all their enrollments. Fourteen states plus the District of Columbia have their own and better run healthcare exchanges. Enrollments in these brought the total signing up to 106,185.

That number represents just 1.5 per cent of the 7 million the Obamacare system will need to attract by the end of March in order to take in enough money to pay for its expected financial outlays in 2014.

During his daily briefing on Wednesday, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney deflected questions seven separate times about the administration’s expectations for enrollments by the end of November.

The 15 state-level websites, which have experienced fewer problems than the one run by the federal government, signed up about 79,000. They are averaging 5,267 sign-ups each.

Making matters worse, doubts still remain about what those numbers mean, since HHS included Americans who have chosen insurance plans and put them in virtual ‘shopping carts,’ but not yet paid for them.

In early September the Obama administration projected that 494,620 people would sign up during October.

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