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YOU PICKED THE WRONG HOMBRE: Martial Arts Expert Restaurant Owner Destroys Thief

Jason Chan, a cancer survivor and Chicago restaurateur, sought sweet justice for one of his patrons last Thursday evening.

Jason Chan, who is also a martial arts instructor and former bouncer, won an epic battle against a thief who tried to steal a customer’s I-phone 5.

Chan says he saw a suspicious man wearing ripped clothing walk into the restaurant –too messy an ensemble to be dining in a Michelin rated sushi restaurant like Juno in Chicago, Ill.

The thief, Justin Ballog, removed his coat and put it on the bar. He then asked the bartender for a pen and paper and sped out the door a few moments later.

Chan noticed customer Gary Wolske’s phone was no longer at the bar. After Wolske confirmed his phone was missing, Chan was out the door after the culprit.

Chan got into his car and scoured the streets for the man in the red and black striped sweater. He saw him walking into nearby Lou Manalti’s Pizzeria about to try the same trick.

Chan confronted Ballog, 37, who threatened Chan with violence.