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WHEN THEY COME: A Warning to Connecticut Police

Friday, June 27th, 2014, 0-dark-thirty:  The politicians have made their decision. By a twist of fate–your file simply happened to be on the top of the stack for no particular reason–you’ll be the first example. A state police SWAT team pull to the curb in front of your home, leap from their van and rush to your front door. Two black-clad men pull back a ram and swing it toward your front door, aiming just above the knob, while the rest of the team waits anxiously, their automatic weapons charged and off safe. Two hope they’ll get the opportunity to shoot. At least one wants to manufacture the opportunity.

You’ve made two major mistakes; they will cost your life and destroy your family:  you live in a blue state where the governor and legislature have no respect for the Constitution and the lives and liberty of citizens, and you were foolish enough to obey the law.

Starting to awake from a sound sleep by the explosion of your door being smashed open and the heavy stomping of booted feet, you stumble down the stairs and into the hallway. As you turn toward the sounds, you’re blinded by multiple bright lights and hear many people screaming at you, but their words are unintelligible. You raise your hands to shield your eyes, but you have your cell phone in your right hand. As soon as it comes into view, you’re overwhelmed by a tidal wave of explosive sounds and feel the first bullets rip into your body. There are stars, so many stars, winking and suddenly, everything goes silent and black and your last conscious thought is a feeling of falling.

The hypothetical nightmare situation above is—for now—fiction.

It was pulled from the beginning of Mr. McDaniel’s Connecticut: The Coming Storm, which I highly recommend that you set aside time to read today, especially if you are a law enforcement or a family member of a law enforcement officer.

They have much to think over, including where their allegiances lie.

Politicians in Connecticut have grossly overplayed their hand with the state’s so-called “assault weapon” ban and registration act. Being politicians, they seem to feel they are above consequence for their actions, and so it seems as if they will push ahead with plans to attempt to bring the owners of more than 350,000 “undocumented” firearms and neary 2 million standard capacity magazines to heel. There are but 1,120 sworn officers in the Connecticut State Police as of last week. There are though to be between 80,000-100,000 owners of “undocumented” firearms and magazines, along with perhaps hundreds of thousands of sympathetic owners of various other arms.

Read more: Bearing Arms