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A Course in Stupidity: Krugman Logic 101

New York Times columnist and Nobel Prize winning Princeton economics professor Paul Krugman, says that Clive Bundy demonstrates conservatives are stupid. 

“Analysis” here.

The “good” professor has forgotten a basic rule of logic, that you cannot reasonably ascribe the perceived faults of an individual to a huge group he supposedly represents, especially when he does not represent that group, and especially when the perceptions of his faults are errant.

This would be akin to claiming all economists are idiots because Krugman is an idiot, and that, of course, would be unfair.

However, let’s “unpack” Krugman’s thinking.

Paul Krugman logic: Clive Bundy said something stupid. Bundy is a conservative. Conservatives are stupid.

Applying this logic to the Don Sterling incident: Sterling is a racist. According to National Review, Sterling has only given money to Democratic candidates. Democrats are racists.

Applying the same logic further: Krugman is a Democrat who says stupid things. Therefore, Krugman is a conservative racist.

No wonder Krugman won the Nobel Prize!

Aren’t you glad he is preparing American youth for adulthood?

Image: Courtesy of:

Allan Erickson

Allan Erickson---Christian, husband, father, journalist, businessman, screenwriter, and author of The Cross & the Constitution in the Age of Incoherence, Tate Publishing, 2012.