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DANGEROUS: Texas Ranchers Say Criminal Illegals Are ‘Everywhere’ and Dangerous

As illegal immigration gets more out of control everyday in Texas, criminals are taking advantage and trekking across the border as well. Linda Vickers talks about their experience with illegal immigrants on their ranch. See below:

FALFURRIAS – Sex offenders, murder suspects and gang members are making their way through the vast rangelands of Brooks County.

The Vickers ranch is one of the many land spreads affected by the surge in illegal immigration. What is more concerning to the ranch owners is the type of people trekking through their land.

“As of yesterday, 196 illegal immigrants with 136 apprehensions by Border Patrol,” she said.

The dogs sniff out those hiding in the brush.

“There are some good, helpless people. Then, there are some really bad ones,” Vickers said.

Earlier this week, Vickers took a photo of a man on her front porch. She said the man had a Tango Blast tattoo.

Tango Blast is the largest and one of the most dangerous gangs operating in the state, according to the Texas Department of Public Safety.

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