BOO-HOO: Anti-Hunters Want Facebook To Ban Girl’s Pics From African Hunt
The fascistic anti-hunting, tree-humping, doe-eyed, bunny lovers are at it again demanding that the true conservationists, i.e.- hunters, not showcase their hunting exploits via Facebook.
Hey, anti-hunting numb-nuts: If you think these pics are offensive then don’t look at them. That’s what I do when something’s offensive to me. I avoid it. That’s why I don’t peruse Rosie O’Donnell’s bikini pics.
In addition, I don’t go on the Greenies Facebook pages and stare at their ubiquitous ugly and whiny chicks who nasally screech through their pierced nose about the ‘evils of hunting.’
Also, I don’t demand that they take their bogus Al Gore memes down or their fairy tale global-warming hockey stick graphs that they use to bully stupid college students to give up their brains and their liberties for some inflated stats about the supposed escalation of the earth’s core temperature. I simply don’t care. To each his own.
And Lastly, the young huntress is in good company in showing her hunting skills and abilities because even one of God’s favorites, King David, bragged about killing both a lion and a bear (1Sam.17:34-37). Enjoy
Global animal lovers are up in arms over a teenage Texas girl’s love of killing big African game, so much so that they’re even demanding she be banned from posting pictures of herself smiling alongside her trophies online.
Nineteen-year-old Kendall Jones claims photos of dead hippos, elephants, lions and other beasts on Facebook are a testament to her hunting skills and dedication to game preservation.
But critics are appalled by the teen’s beaming social media and are calling Kendall sick and depraved for killing the rare animals and boasting about it online.
An online petition to force Kendall to remove her page because it promotes animal cruelty had gained over 40,000 signatures in just a week.
‘For the sake of all animals,’ reads the petition as it implored animal lovers to sign, ‘especially the animals in the African region… where hunters are going for fun just to kill an animal!’
Jones, whose Facebook indicates she ‘is looking to host a TV show in January 2015,’ maintains she is doing what’s best for the preserves, where there isn’t always space for even threatened species like elephants or lions.
Read more: Daily Mail
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