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#FERGUSON: When Assholes Collide

IvyMikeCafe sorts through the crap circulating around Ferguson to show the delusion being put forth by the various parties involved. Check it out…

Well, I have been trying to lay low on this thing for a while, because I knew as soon as all of the breathless reports started about Michael Brown’s death, more facts – and let’s stress that, FACTS – would come to light that would blow the immediate narrative right out of the water. The initial collision between alleged lawbreaker and law enforcer is of little consequence to me, because criminals and cops collide daily. It is the inevitable aftermath caused by cultural sicknesses that are now embedded in several groups of assholes that I want to discuss.

First group of assholes: the media

For the love of all that’s holy, the US media is full of brainwashed cultural-marxist, limp-wristed, sissy men and their “you-go-girl,” change-the-world sisters. They lack ability to think critically and they frame every issue within the bucket of rotting tripe the pampered communists in their J-schools filled their spongy young minds with.

Their complete inability to just report the goddamned facts in ANY story without interjecting some marxist agenda is a key factor for there being more blood in the streets than need be. Rumor, innuendo, and just flat-out bullshit ruled the initial days after Michael Brown was shot. Every loud-mouthed race-baiter from across the land was dragged onto every news station to run his suckhole about a situation in which he had ZERO facts, but decided to crank up the animosity for the doe-eyed, guilt-filled, leftist lady announcers and their beta male orbiters. The bullshit continues unabated today, and will continue tomorrow, and the next day and the next. If this thing goes nuclear, I will not cry for journalists when the mobs they incited burn news offices to the ground and drag reporters naked through the streets before they string them up on lampposts.

Next group of assholes: ghetto black Americans, their enablers, and non-blacks who act like ghetto black Americans

Sorry ghetto black Americans and your enablers, but you are all full of shit. When seven black Americans are killed and another 29 black Americans are wounded in one weekend in Chicago, where the hell are you? WHERE ARE YOU? Nowhere. What about similar body counts in a weekend in LA? NYC? DC? Baltimore? Atlanta? New Orleans?

Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Why?

Because the people stacking black bodies in the morgue like cordwood are as black as the victims, and when you acknowledge it, you must look inward in order to change it.

What George Zimmerman and Darren Wilson buy people is the ability to deflect any blame for ghetto black American deaths on other ghetto black Americans and feed the very false narrative that whites are hunting blacks ad infinitum. It allows people to avoid asking the tough questions about a ghetto black American culture that is anti-education, anti-intellectual, violent, overwhelmed with bastardy, self-loathing, and suicidal. I have seen this culture with my own eyes in many ways. The saddest, to me, was watching one of my classmates in elementary school who was in the gifted program and got As on everything she did get hounded by other blacks mercilessly for “acting white.” By junior high school she was worn down and began to fail. I don’t believe she ever finished high school. I never understood that. And I never will.

Read more: IvyMikeCafe

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