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IGNORANCE: From Hollywood to the Streets to the White House

Let me start off by saying that the out-and-out adoration and worship of the Muslim-in-chief is sickening.

Recently, Gwyneth Paltrow, yes, that same person that thinks you can hurt water’s feelings by yelling at it, made this startling statement during a fund-raiser for the Democrat party…she praised the president for his recent efforts to ensure that women are paid the same as men who work the same job, telling the audience that the issue is “very important to me as a working mother.”

Paltrow makes roughly $16 million per movie. She went on and uttered this, “It would be wonderful if we were able to give this man all of the power that he needs to pass the things that he needs to pass.” Paltrow is apparently upset that the power of the executive branch is balanced by the judicial and legislative branches of the U.S. government, apparently would much rather have a dictator as the chief executive.

Last (thank goodness) remark was this: before turning over the floor to the president, Paltrow did her best Beatlemania impersonation, giddily telling the president, “you’re so handsome that I can’t speak properly.” Oh, please…spare us the inanities from this obviously air-headed celebrity.

I like to watch man-in-the-street interviews, but honestly, the answers that people give make me wonder if they EVER attended any sort of school, and if so, did they skip all the classes on American History, or Civics, or whatever they call some program that teaches Americans about America. College-age and college students were asked about Columbus and Columbus Day…you would cringe hearing the answers from these young people. They didn’t know who he was, where he was from, what his ships were, when he discovered America, who financed the exploration.

Why are Americans, especially those under 40, so damned stupid? My Dad used to say that if you are ignorant, people will take advantage of you…and nothing is more true-to-life than that statement, especially when you look at who is running the country, how they got there, and the worst thing of all…the generations coming up, who WILL be running a country they know nothing about. Oh wait…we’ve got one of those already in the White House, and the legions of ignorant people put him there!

Someone wrote me about a rumor they heard, that Ebola was man-made and that the US had shipped many thousands of injections of a new drug, which had the Ebola virus in it, to Africa. That is a very cruel rumor and there isn’t a word of truth in it.

Here’s something that DOES have some truth to it, the bad guys, by whatever name you want to call them, appear to be making inroads in Yemen now. Our Imposter-in-chief probably still remembers when he cited Yemen as a “success” and the end state model he hopes to see in Iraq. Face it folks, this administration doesn’t know its rectum from an orofice in the earth.

Another group, ISIS, is getting ready to go into Baghdad. What a mess a know-nothing and do-very-little administration has created.

It’s becoming painfully clear to me that the United States needs to get out of the United Nations. The only thing they are united in, is the attempted destruction of Israel, and the bringing-down of the United States. Diplomats run wild in America, cause all sorts of problems, but cannot be arrested because they ARE diplomats, or their staff. Put the UN in Haiti…they need the boost to their economy and we can use that beautiful waterfront property in New York for some other, more useful purpose. We will also save a bundle of money by not shoring-up the UN.

Wake up America…before it’s too late.

Larry Usoff, US Navy Retired



Larry Usoff

Larry Usoff, US Navy Retired. Articulate. Opinionated. Patriotic. Conservative. Cultured enough so that I can be taken almost anywhere. Makes no excuses for what I say or do, but takes responsibility for them. Duty. Honor. Country. E-mail me at: