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GAYSTAPO: The Duggars Under Fire By Gay Lobby For Being An Anomaly In A World Gone Nasty

By Brittany Pounders
Clash Daily Guest Contributor

We watch 19 Kids and Counting every single week in this house.  Television has become so trashy that it’s difficult to find tv shows that our entire family from the 2 year old, the 9 year old, and the 14 year old can watch together and actually enjoy.  Even the “kid’s shows” and the “tween shows” on the Nickelodeon and Disney channels aren’t largely acceptable any longer.  If they aren’t filled with heavy pre-teen relationships and make out sessions and disrespect aimed towards their parents and authority figures, there seems to always be something anti-family with a progressive agenda instead.

But now they are under new attack from the Gay Activists groups…also known as the Gaystapo This is a group routinely used by the left to attack Christians and conservatives by attempting to make themselves victims of the right…by people like the Duggers who are living their own lives and their own values- which obviously cannot be tolerated.  This is a group that preaches loudly that if you disagree with someone or their lifestyle, that you must be a bigot and full of hate. is often the vehicle for this behavior and they are on full frontal attack of the Duggers.  From the Bluffing…errr, Huffington Post:

A petition on launched by Jim Wissick of San Jose, California, states that “19 Kids and Counting,” starring conservative Baptists Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar and their children, should be axed because of the LGBT fearmongering promoted by the family.

“The Duggars have been using their fame to promote discrimination, hate, and fear-mongering against gays and transgendered people,” Wissick wrote in a letter to TLC which was posted on petition page. “You need to take a stand on the side of justice and cancel their show.”

His petition currently has more than 12,500 signatures with a goal of 100,000.

What, you ask, could the Duggers have done to perpetuate this kind of response from the Gaystapo?

Wissick highlights Michelle Duggar’s involvement in a robocall against an anti-discrimination housing law affecting the transgender community in Arkansas. In the call, which was made to state residents in August, Michelle said transgender women should not be able to use the proper restroom and dubbed them “males with past child predator convictions that claim they are female.”

Gasp.  Michelle Duggar simply opposed an ordinance of allowing men to use the women’s restroom–depending on what gender they felt they woke up to that morning.  No matter where you stand on gay rights, that leaves most of us uncomfortable knowing that it could be one of our children in one of those stalls alone in the women’s restroom with a man.  This is the same ordinance passed in Houston that embroiled our openly gay Mayor Annise Parker in a battle with Houston area pastors that led to her attempt at subpoenaing all of their sermons.  In Texas we don’t like you messing with our First Amendment and Freedom of Religion rights and so that attempt left her smarting from the backhand of our Constitution.

Read more: Liberty Juice

britBrittany Pounders is a well-known conservative political commentator and blogger. She can be heard through many different radio and media outlets such as The Blaze Radio Network, The Chris Salcedo Show, The Ed Dean Radio Show, and on cable news with The Rick Amato Show. She resides in Texas with her husband and is raising three of the finest little people in the world. Follow her on… Facebook or @LibertyBritt