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GARTH BROOKS, JOHN McCAIN and Unanswered Prayers

Garth Brooks had a hit song about unanswered prayers, to quote, “Some of God’s greatest gifts are unanswered prayers.”

I am no fan of the current administration, but I am thankful that John McCain did not win in his presidential bid.

His maverick ways, his eccentric and erratic comments would have been a disaster for the United States.

Any good or reasonable actions that Sarah Palin could have brought to the table would have been soundly trumped by the kind of crazy that is John McCain.

He can’t even get firmly on team Republican. Any unity or sense of purpose is lost on his reasoning.

The Republican Party needs to get on the same page as the Conservative Voter. Supposedly, they are the conservative party, and any votes are good votes.

It does not matter if the candidate comes from Tea Party backgrounds, or anywhere else.

What is important is to understand that civil war within the party will bring victory to the liberal side, and it is easy to see what that has brought us as a nation.

The American people have had enough and changed the flavor of the House and the Senate. January marks the beginning of a whole new world on the Beltway.

Instead of embracing this win and reinforcing it with solidarity, Republicans, like McCain, et al, would prefer to attack their fellows within the party, simply because these peers are not from the status quo.

Status quo has most emphatically failed.

This new caucus of Republicans should get it together and try to vet out a decent agenda for job growth, healthcare repair and reform and some sort of frugal budget plan to reduce the frivolous financial damage done by the Democratic majority that has been ousted.

More importantly, they should search far and wide for a true conservative to trot out as a presidential candidate for the 2016 election.

A re-run of Romney or another Bush is not going to cut it.

These are fine, qualified men, but America needs a hard hitting, blunt talking leader who is true to their word. One who is responsible to the people who put him or her in the highest office of the land.

America does not need another Clinton either. We are in no way a monarchy. It is time for some new blood.

Until the party can decide and get on the same page, it is debatable as to whether the Republican Party can remember why they are designated as the “conservative” ones.



Candace Hardin

Candace Hardin resides in Atlanta, Georgia. She is fluent in Spanish and a student of Latin and history. She is a columnist on and has a blog, Originally from North Carolina, her writing and beliefs have been heavily influenced by the Appalachian culture and tradition.