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‘I THINK WE GOT RAT SH*T FOR LUNCH’: Pics Compare Michelle O’s Lunches With Sheriff Joe’s

How do Michelle Obama’s “healthy” school lunches measure up against what Sheriff Joe Arpaio feeds prisoners? I think I’d rather be a prisoner.

In the eyes of our liberal media overlords, first lady Michelle Obama and Maricopa County, Ariz., Sheriff Joe Arpaio couldn’t be more different.

Whereas Sheriff Arpaio is seen as a draconian enforcer who is responsible for horrors like making his prisoners wear pink underwear and live in tents, Michelle is seen as the beneficent queen of nutritious school lunches.

This, meanwhile, is what Maricopa County prisoners get for lunch. This actually looks a lot better than what I got the last time I flew United Airlines, or what the student got:







Read more: Conservative Tribune