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News Clash

BALTIMORE IS BURNING: But Hillary Wants You To Have One of Her Free Bumper Stickers

As Baltimore is burning to the ground, Hillary’s team thought this would be a great time to give a free bumper sticker offer.

As riots broke out, cars were set on fire and buildings turned into charred piles of rubble, many politicians used social media to send messages of hope as the city of Baltimore was looted and destroyed by protestors

But presidential candidate Hillary Clinton appeared to miss a step as she posted a message about her free bumper stickers.

The former first lady was criticised for posting the message on Twitter by users who commented on her poor timing to promote her bumper stickers.

She responded several hours later with a tweet ‘praying’ for Baltimore and the family of Freddie Gray – but only hours after other politicians had posted messages about the crisis, and Twitter users had pointed out her poor judgement. 

Read more: Daily Mail

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