Can we all agree that some books are just more appropriate for parents than they are for kids? That's the case with these. Here are some of the most bizarre and inappropriate kids books that you will be shocked to know exist. If a Peacock Finds a Pot Leaf Image: Amazon “Poor Pussy” Game Image: Imgur Go the F**k to Sleep Image: Amazon The Muffin Muncher Image: Amazon The Night Dad Went to Jail Image: Amazon My Big Sister Takes Drugs Image: Amazon Who Cares About Elderly People? Image: Amazon The Long Journey of Mister Poop Image: Amazon Peeping George Image: Imgur Little Monkey’s Big Peeing Circus Image: Amazon Cooking with Pooh Image: Amazon That’s Not Your Mommy Anymore Image: Amazon What Me In?! Image: Imgur Suck It Image: Imgur Monsters Eat Whiny Children Image: Amazon The House That Crack Built Image: Amazon Gender Differences Image: Imgur So, You’ve Got A Fat Pussy! Image: Amazon You Wouldn’t Want to Be a Salem Witch Image: Amazon Melanie’s Marvelous Measles Image: Amazon We Need a Safe Word For This Book Image: Imgur See Dick Go Up Image: Imgur You Have to F*****g Eat Image: Amazon If You Give a Kid a Cookie, Will He Shut the F**k Up? Image: Amazon Games You Can Play with Your Pussy Image: Amazon Via Twenty Two Words