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Multi-PageNews Clash

This GRAPHIC News Cover of Paris Attacks Is Getting Hell & Causing A LOT of Controversy

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Is the cover of the NY Daily News too graphic or is it just a reality that needs to be seen by the world?

As the world comes to grips with yet another horrific terrorist attack at the hands of Islamic extremists, as seen Friday in Paris, some in the media are taking a more straightforward approach to such attacks by showing the actual carnage.

A preview of the front page of the New York Daily News shows multiple dead bodies lying on the ground amid pools of blood — a highly disturbing photo that captures the reality of the bloodbath that took place when terrorists, reportedly shouting Allahu Akbar, attacked residents of the City of Light. (Biz Pac Review)

Go on to see the full photo and the reactions from Twitter. Caution: this is graphic.

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