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News Clash

WUSSIFICATION: Report Says ‘THIS Is BAD For Kids’ … Is That BS Or What?


If you grew up mowing your lawn as a regular household chore, you’re going to scream when you see this. Is this proof that we are definitely pussifying our next generation?

Getting children to mow the lawn is a common way to teach them responsibility. But a new study found that more than 9,000 youngsters are injured in the U.S. every year while mowing the lawn.

The researchers compared pediatric-mowing injuries during a recent 10-year period with the previous 15 years. The number of children who get hurt annually hasn’t changed in more than two decades, they found.

More than a third of the injured children in the latest study, which was published in the American Journal of Surgery, were under 12 years of age, and there was a spike in injuries recorded at ages 3 and 16. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends children be at least 12 years old before operating any mower and at least 16 to operate a riding or tractor-style mower.

The study, at the University of Tennessee in Memphis, used data from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission to identify patients age 20 and younger treated for mowing-related injuries between 2004 and 2013. The commission collects data from approximately 100 emergency departments to produce national estimates. The data were compared with an earlier review of pediatric mowing-related injuries from 1990 to 2004.

Read more: Fox News

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