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SHOCKING: What Boy Scouts Did To HOMELESS Lady Will FLOOR You!

While the Boy Scouts of America lost my support back around 2013 when they compromised their moral values, I’ll tip my hat to this young teen, age 15, who is among their ranks and has done a truly noble thing. It is not often you run across a positive bit of news these days, but this one-minute-and-eighteen-second video is worth the watch.

Jacob raised $5000 to help a homeless mother and child get into an apartment. The heartwarming thing about it is that he and his group furnished the apartment and set it all up for them. Everything in the apartment is super classy and a clear sign of this young man’s excellent spirit. It’s one thing to hand a person $5000; it’s a whole other story to do all the work that it takes to help someone settle into an apartment. It’s one thing to help a person get into an apartment; it’s a whole other story to fully furnish that apartment.

So today in a sea of doom and gloom reporting where selling someone else’s tragedy is not only big business but also is used to promote either strife or a particular social or political agenda, it did my heart good to see this piece of news. In a world where people are swimming in confusion and begging the question, “What can a tiny person like me do to make this mess better?”, this is your answer.

Find a need and meet it. Give a hand up to someone else. Show kindness because it is the right thing to do. Be that Boy Scout who walks the old lady across the street and then encourage everyone you know to do the same. As individuals we may not be able to single handedly end racial strife or poverty or violence or (this list goes on and on), but each of us has the capacity to change one life. Each of us has the ability to do something as simple as this 15 year old.

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Share if you think this Boy Scout has the right idea about how we each can contribute to the healing of our nation.

Karen Serna

Karen Serna is a wife and homeschooling mom with two children. She holds a degree in Chemistry with a minor in Math from Angelo State University. In addition, she is a certified secondary educator. Prior to having children, Karen worked for Texas State University-San Marcos as an analytical chemist and industrial hygienist for over twelve years. Her passion lies in seeing a generation of Americans once again embrace true freedom.