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News Clash

KILL IT WITH FIRE: Trump Victory Ushers In Media REVOLUTION

By:  Jamie Allman

ClashDaily Guest Columnist

Thanks to Wikileaks we know at least 65 MSM Reporters Were Meeting with and/or Coordinating Offline with Top Hillary Advisors

The info-fascists in the political and corporate media classes have a new meme in their war on information they don’t like: the scourge of so called “fake news.”

Even President Obama (who will never pass up a microphone except to avoid quelling violent anti Trump-nuts) is railing about the fake problem of “fake news.”

But watch out. You’ll notice Obama and his media enablers conveniently add “hyper-partisan sites” to their list of declared enemies of the people.

Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg just announced to his liberal masters that he will go after “fake news” and cites as an example some outrageous story printed on an unheard of clickbait site .

But his real target, as it is for corporate media and liberal politicians, are sites such as the one you are on now .

The fact is the media and it’s losers on the campaign trail are desperately trying to avoid self reflection after being exposed as partisan hacks themselves throughout the campaign. It’s a reality confirmed on election night as newscasters and “experts” collectively acted as if their puppies were being summarily executed in front of their eyes.

But the only true death was that of their credibility. With no more electronic wall maps to desperately poke on in hopes of finding more Hillary votes, they have nowhere to turn in the aftermath except to invent another enemy besides Republicans, Trump and good ideas.

You’ll notice the “hyper partisan ” category only includes such conservative sites such as Breitbart, the Blaze and The Gateway Pundit. There is no mention of Daily Kos, Media Matters , or Buzzfeed. Nor is there any mention of CNBC, CNN or ABC which are staffed on air by hyper partisans and former employees of the Clintons .

That’s mainly because the Conservative sites were wickedly effective in balancing the left wing moonbattery which rotted seconds after being printed .

It is true that bias is seen in what is reported and stated . But most media bias comes in the form of what is NOT reported and NOT stated.

The sites currently targeted told the truths the corporate mainstream media was unwilling to tell because of their support of one ideology and one candidate .
And , more importantly, these sites relegated corporate media into nothing but a bunch of third world government -speak mimics.

And much like it was with the government ghouls so it was with the liberal media hacks both open and closeted: smarter Americans flushed them on Election Day .

It should be noted the Conservative sites being targeted in his “fake news” jihad make no mystery of where they stand politically. It’s why Americans seem to trust them MORE not less, as they don’t have to sit there and decipher the views of who is behind the information.

But Mainstream media pretends to be objective when it’s not. Its consumers know better and feel lied to en masse.

The good (and accurate) news is that there is no hope for the info fascists. There is no recovery. The liberal ayatollahs will never win as they attempt to stomp on free speech and sites that show them as clothesless emperors.

And their #NeverTrump partners typing away in usual suspect NRO circles have been exposed as well. Having been humiliated after joining forces with Libs to attack the outsider and get Hillary Clinton elected , their operations are now the “dumpster fires” that they so arrogantly called the Trump movement .

Gallup shows only a third of Americans trust mainstream media. That was a month before the election.

Once the advertisers start to shed them the revolution will be complete.

The fourth estate is rightfully burning to the ground. This election was a huge victory for non traditional media. It truly reminded the right people of our never ending– and never to be abridged — freedom to discern.

Listen to Jamie Allman’s Radio Show, ‘Allman’s Electric Stove‘ here.

Follow Jamie on Twitter.

Courtesy of Gateway Pundit.

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker