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TRUMP & CRUZ: Teaming Up To Make America Great Again — And Shred Liberal Agendas?

Sen. Ted Cruz is retooling the First Amendment Defense Act (FADA) that would protect persons of conviction from the militant gay hate agenda. Trump will almost certainly sign the bill into law if passed by congress.

Cruz and Trump have had their differences. During the Republican presidential primary, the senator took offense when Trump dissed Cruz’s wife and father. That rift appears to be healed, paving the way for the two Republicans to create an explosive synergy that will cause the far left to tremble in fear.

The First Amendment Defense Act would prohibit the federal government from taking “discriminatory action” against any business or person that refuses service to persons engaged in sexual relations beyond traditional marriages.”

The bill notes that “(1) marriage is or should be recognized as the union of one man and one woman, or (2) sexual relations are properly reserved to such a marriage.”

The legislation was prompted by a rash of Christophobic attacks against Christian-owned business.

Most notorious was a bakery that was forced to close after the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries ordered the owners to pay $135,000 in damages to a lesbian couple. The bakery refused to serve to couple based on the owners’ religious convictions.

We would hope the legislation is expanded to include denial of service based on other moral convictions.

In 2008 a supermarket refused to bake a cake for 3-year-old Adolf Hitler Campbell.

“We reserve the right not to print anything on the cake that we deem to be inappropriate,” the store’s representative said.

“We considered this inappropriate.”

Given the precedent set by cowering to the militant gay agenda, bakers could be forced to provide service to a wide range of objectionable circumstances.

The problem transcends bakers.

Years ago a liquor store owner sought to rent a mailing list from my direct marketing business. I respectfully declined, citing personal convictions. Had the precedent set by the militant gay agenda been applied, I would have been forced to provide services contrary to my deeply-held moral beliefs.

Providing protection against Christophobic hate is only one of many initiatives awaiting the president-elect.

I recent posted the following question on my Facebook page: “First thing Trump should do as president is [fill in the blank] … ?”

Some responses were silly; others were serious. And some it was hard to tell. Below are the responses that are fit to print.

• Close down the CIA.
• Audit the Federal Reserve.
• Extradite all Muslims and illegal aliens.
• Send Hillary and Bill to the salt mines.
• Carpet bomb Hollywood.
• Extradite all liberals to Alcatraz!
• Build that wall!
• Stop money going to every country on earth!
• Rescind all of Obama’s executive orders.
• Nominate Ron Paul, Federal Reserve chairman.
• Close the Federal Reserve and IRS.
• Give illegals 30 days to leave voluntarily (it’s free) then start deportations.
• Cut all foreign aid.
• Put power back in states’ hands.
• Pray!
• Seize the records and cash of The Clinton Foundation.
• Order a halt to all immigration.
• Rule all of California’s gun laws unconstitutional.
• Arrest Hillary and Obama for sedition and treason.
• Call/meet Vladimir Putin.
• Transfer 40 million dollars to my bank account and appoint me to be Supreme Justice.
• Punch Obama in the face.

My wish list for the incoming president and legislature would include:

1. Close the Dept. of Education.

Founded by Jimmy Carter, the DOE seems to have one, sole purpose: assure the federal government complies with the agenda of teachers’ unions.

2. Replace the Internal Revenue Service with a flat tax.

Zero is a nice flat number.

3. Revamp the Dept. of Defense.

The weight of America’s national defense appears to be more fat than muscle. An estimated $100-billion is wasted each year on far-flung military bases and operations with no apparent defense function. They should be closed. That includes NATO.

4. Defend our southern border.

Posting troops along the border with Mexico may face legal hurdles, but would provide an instant solution to hordes of illegal aliens parading across our border while the wall is being constructed.

5. Reign in the $20-trillion national debt.

Image: photo credit: Gage Skidmore Ted Cruz & Sean Hannity via photopin (license)

Share if you hope this legislation gets passed by Congress and signed by President Trump.

Kenn Daily

Kenn Gividen (aka, Kenn Daily) is the publisher of Now 64 years old, Kenn formed his conservative views at the age of 14 and was an early member of Young Americans for Freedom. He is a vociferous anti-racist but sets himself apart from most conservatives by refusing to be bullied into silence regarding racial issues. Violent black crime is a signature issue of his website. Kenn is a semi-retired business owner. He lives in Indiana with his wife of 40 years. He has two grown children -- a daughter and son -- four grandchildren, and two granddogs.