EPIC FAIL: Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg Calls Feinstein & LINDSEY GRAHAM ‘Women Of The Senate’
Is it time for a new Supreme Court Nominee ALREADY?
Is she really starting to losing it?
Is it time for her to go?
Ginsberg was accepting the Allegheny College’s Prize for Civility in Public Life at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. and in her speech, she recalled her own civil confirmation hearing and the final vote was 96-3. She was trying to talk about reaching across the aisle and even mentioned Scalia’s vote was unanimous.
Ginsburg then called on previous winners of the award in Congress to ‘lead in restoring harmonious workways’. The 84-year old Ginsberg, a Clinton-appointee, made special mention of the ‘Women of the Senate’, Dianne Feinstein and… Lindsey Graham.
Just because his name is Lindsey…
Watch: (The Senior moment is at the 4:00 mark)
Well, that’s embarrassing!
She didn’t refer to him by his preferred pronoun which actually corresponds to his biology.
Imagine if she had done that to Bruce Caitlyn the former-Olympian Jenner!