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TUCKER V. JENNER: This Interview Will RATTLE Liberals AND Conservatives

Caitlyn Jenner appeared on the revamped Tucker Carlson Tonight show. The former Olympic Decathlete said some pretty shocking things…

Jenner’s new memoir, The Secrets of My Life, is being released, and the transgender activist is in promotion mode.

Carlson started the interview rather light-heartedly, saying that Jenner needs no introduction and that Bruce Caitlyn has been called ‘courageous’ for many reasons, but perhaps the bravest thing was coming out as a Trump-voter in Malibu and telling people about it.

To which Jenner replied, ‘it was the Media’ that outed Jenner as a Republican.

Jenner then says:

‘I am on the Republican, conservative side, and he became our candidate, so certainly I was going to vote for him. He looked like he would be pretty good on all LGBT issues which is important. Because my loyalties do not lie with Donald Trump, my loyalties do not lie with the Republican Party. My loyalties and what I’m fighting for is my community — the LGBT community, and particularly the Trans issues because there are many of them. And so that’s where my fight is. And I thought Trump would be pretty good, but he’s kind of disappointed me in the first 100 days on those issues.’

Carlson then asked why not support Hillary Clinton who was strong on LGBT issues and took a lot of money from the LGBT groups.

Jenner’s response will make the Leftists apoplectic:

‘I’m not a one-issue voter. I believe in limited government. I believe in our Constitution. I would rather convince the Republican party to do a better job when it comes to all LGBT issues than try to convince the Democrats to lower taxes and lower regulations and allow our country to thrive financially and economically.’

Carlson then asks about the pressure to be a one-issue voter and how Jenner handles that.


Jenner also mentions a letter sent to Attorney General Jeff Sessions regarding the murder of transgender people should be prosecuted as ‘Hate Crimes’. Carlson counters this asking, ‘Isn’t it enough to just prosecute these crimes as murder?’

Jenner continues to push the LGBT activism sounding very ‘Progressive’ indeed.

It’s obvious that Jenner is a fiscal conservative, but extremely liberal when it comes to social issues.

Jenner’s goal is to push the Republicans to the left on the social end, and that’s going to infuriate many on the right.

When Carlson asks directly about the fast pace of the Trans movement and ‘people of goodwill and good faith’ that are trying to grapple with it, Jenner reiterates the ‘born this way’ statement.

Carlson asks about the trans woman that won the weightlifting championship.

Jenner says there’s no problem with it and denies any advantage that someone born male would have with body mass and bone density.

Maybe Jenner should chat with Tamikka Brents who suffered multiple injuries — concussion, a broken orbital bone, and required 7 staples to hear head after a two-minute beat-down from transgender MMA fighter Fallon Fox.

What do YOU think of the interview?

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K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker