No Mojo: Obama Has Event To Support Biden… Nobody Shows Up

There was a time when people would drive for miles just for a chance to see President HopeyChange. If this ‘crowd’ is any indication, those days are behind him. No-Drama Obama has been replaced with No-Mojo Obama.
Remember back in the beginning of Trump’s Presidency when Barack liked to poke fun at Trump over questions of crowd size?
Oh how times have changed.
Here’s Obama ‘helping’ Quid-Pro-Joe on the campaign trail in Philly, drawing crowds so massive, he could thank everyone for coming by name, and pose in a photo to boot.
That’s not much better than the sad little gatherings where a a smattering of people in their family cars show up to listen to Joe Biden. A smattering of car horns honking only serves to underscore how sparce and pathetic things are there.
Jeb(!) had his ‘please clap’ moment.
Joe’s is almost worse — ‘please honk’.
Meanwhile, Trump is packing in max capacity at airports for a one-hour fly-in-and-leave visit to the MAGA masses.
It COULD be that everything we’re being told about Biden leading the polls is true… but it’s tough to square with other evidence staring us right in the face.