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Church Stuff

Hey Men, Porn Is Killing Your Sex Life

Hey Men, Porn Is Killing Your Sex LifeIn a recent blog by Fight The New Drug, a secular organization tackling the pervasiveness of porn, there is a striking parallel made between the biology of moths and the mind of men who view porn.

In this case, the Gypsy Moth is used as the exhibit. Introduced to the United States in the late 1800s by a French professor, Étienne Léopold Trouvelot, interested in their silk. The moths soon began to grow out of his control, so Trouvelot became disinterested and moved back to France in 1882. The introduction of the moth, however, was far from inconsequential as they began to ravage much of the ecosystem in the northeast. It wasn’t until 1972, almost a century later, that a solution was proposed to stop the spreading of these gypsy eco-terrorists.

The solution was to tackle the male moths at their weakest point: sex. The female moths would emit a chemical called pheromones that made the males want to get jiggy-with-it. Scientists isolated this chemical and they began to spread it in high volumes around the moths. Soon, the males grew confused because pheromones were coming at them in such high levels and from so many different directions. Everything went according to plan and the female dosage of pheromones was not enough for males to be interested in mating; thus, the Gypsy Moth population suffered severely.

Does this sound familiar to you? We live in a “hook-up” culture where sex, or rather promiscuity, is a mandate in every area of our lives. Do you want good tv ratings? Put a lot of sex in it. Do you want your product to sell? Make sure there’s a half-naked chick in all of your ads. Do you want to look hot at the club tonight? Show everything but nipple and crotch. Even here in Miami, the local strip club owns the billboard that overlooks the highway. Guess how many kids are seeing that.

I’m not even talking about pornography yet, just look around and see how sex has become so normal that we don’t notice how bad things are. Likewise, pornography gives men a heightened sense of sexual fantasy that most times cannot be met in real life. The scenarios that pornography presents for their viewers are so fantastic that people forget it’s only a fantasy. Real human interaction is not enough anymore, you need porn. You need to have sex in some ridiculous setting, a bed is just not enough anymore. You need your partner to say obscene things in bed, otherwise it’s just not fun.

We are being desensitized. Wake up, men.

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Andres Ortiz

Andres Ortiz is the founder of The Saving, a ministry that plays heavy music with heavier Christian content. His new album "David Star", based on the life of David, comes out March 9th, 2014. Follow @andresaving on twitter.