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Led to Slaughter? Obama’s Constitution-trashing, War-making Plans

20081204_obama_constitutionThe only logical conclusion is: Obama wants war.  Consider the evidence.

To “protect” us he conducts massive domestic surveillance through most every means. Based only on suspicion, you can have your communications monitored and recorded, subjecting you to investigation and prosecution.  Americans generally hate this kind of thing.   It is thoroughly anti-American, anti-liberty and anti-rule of law. Obama pushes it.


Where is Congress?

The NSA and other federal agencies are gathering information on you at unprecedented levels.  That is more than chilling.  You should be terrified, and outraged.  Your God-given rights are being trampled, compromised, violated and removed!  Wake up!

Even a half-conscious person should know enough about Benghazi, the IRS-confessed crime of targeting conservatives, and Holder’s DOJ spying on journalists to conclude Obama’s government is creating a police state.  Verified reports tell us DHS is stockpiling weapons, ammunition and troop carriers for domestic operations.  Detention centers and body disposal systems are in place.  Obviously this government is preparing for war against its own citizens.

This regime is chopping our military down to a shadow of what is required.  Defense spending is being cut to dangerous levels, as former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has admitted.   Taking our nuclear systems off alert was an early move to cripple us.  Reductions in force and unilateral disarmament further prevent us from achieving basic self-defense.  Serial moves to encourage enemies, retreat in Iraq, mismanagement in Afghanistan and impotence elsewhere leave us in a horrendous situation.

Appointing Susan Rice, an accessory to the Benghazi cover up, as national security advisor compounds these offenses.

Nominating Samantha Power to be U.N. ambassador is an ice pick in the eye of every American patriot.  Why?  She advocates invading Israel, an ally.  Read about the implications.

Not only is Obama tanking our economy, he is using the Bill of Rights for pistol practice.  Check the list (of just the first five alone).  Check it twice.  Notice how many times he has shot holes through it.  This is your God-given list of rights, the rights that protect you from government domination, the list that preserves your liberty, and it is being ripped to shreds by this rogue government.

Amendment I  Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[IRS, ObamaCare abortion provisions violating free exercise, infringements on speech left and right, investigating journalists, persecuting the Tea Party’s right to engage debate, to assemble and to petition.]

Amendment II  A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.  [Massive efforts to enact strict control domestically leading to national registries and confiscation.  Total cooperation with global confiscation efforts via the U.N.]

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Allan Erickson

Allan Erickson---Christian, husband, father, journalist, businessman, screenwriter, and author of The Cross & the Constitution in the Age of Incoherence, Tate Publishing, 2012.