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No Reason for Surprise: Doctrine of the Koran Demands Death

Such Koranic doctrine has been the casus belli of insidious creatures like bin Laden and Boston Bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev. And it is certainly worth noting that their utilization of the Koran (to support widespread savagery) has never been repudiated by any of the major institutes of Islamic jurisprudence.

In the final analysis – though most of our national leaders ardently reject the notion that Islam is a violent dogma – Islamic terrorists continue to stand on Koranic doctrine as they behead, rape, pillage and plunder on a global scale.

Image: Yemeni fighter praying, during the North Yemen Civil War (1962-1967); Dana Adams Schmidt, Yemen; the unknown war. (New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1968); author:Dr. Ulrich Middendrop; public domain

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Pete Parker

Pete Parker is a Navy veteran and former strength athlete who writes about the current issues of the day from a conservative perspective. Pete was also the host of “TUFFTalk” radio which dealt with national security-- and the threat Islam poses to Western Civilization. He is very passionate about preserving our great nation’s Judeo-Christian heritage.