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Five Things The Internet Does Better Than Governments

I am currently pursing a philosophy degree at a state college. While I am enjoying my time there, the entirety of what I have learned at a cost of tens of thousands a semester is available for free on Wikipedia. In fact, the entirety of information that people learn from kindergarten to their senior year of college can be found for free on Wikipedia. Were one given a thousand lives to squander in a thousand public institutional learning facilities, they could not amass a fraction of the knowledge that is available for free on Wikipedia. While someone could get a well rounded education from solely reading Wikipedia articles, there are countless ways to receive instruction from a teacher online for free as well. The Kahn Academy boasts a library of thousands of instructional videos ranging from basic math to differential equations to computer languages to economics all for free. These free online schools allow anyone at anytime to engage their preferred material at their own pace, in their preferred way.

4. Spreading Misinformation
While this is not an aspect of the internet anyone is particularly proud of, the internet still bests governments at one of their oldest and most practiced practices. A quick Google search will lead you to seemingly sensible history of the reptilian ancestry of the Bush family, and its effect on global politics. Anti-vaccination websites get millions of hits a month, and youtube is littered with thousands of videos of grainy 9/11 footage played over ominous music with a pimpled narrator yelling “wake up, sheeple” over a superimposed image of a question mark.

Despite this sordid corner of the internet, it does a better job of helping our economy, creating and preserving culture, and educating our children, and best of all, doesn’t demand forty percent of our income to do it. So given all this, I endorse a Macbook Pro and Google for the Presidency of the United States in 2016.

P KanePatrick is a political activist based out of Boulder Colorado. He is currently employed by several of Colorado’s preeminent think tanks and has worked in the liberty movement since he was fourteen. An aspiring writer, Patrick currently writes for Girls Just Want To Have Guns and Complete Colorado Page Two.

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