OBAMA’S LAP DOGS: Lady Gaga, Pharrell and Amy Poehler lead celebrities on Twitter to urge people to join Obamacare

It’s only been going for one day and has already been plagued by technical problems and a slow sign up rate.
But at least President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act can rely on celebrities to help push the health insurance cover.
While technical problems slowed the launch of new ‘Obamacare’ websites to sell health insurance on Tuesday, the law’s supporters on Twitter were keen to get as many people as possible to sign up immediately.
Celebrities and community groups took to social media to promote President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act, the 2010 law popularly known as Obamacare.
Singer John Legend and Pharrell were joined by actresses Alyssa Milano and Kerry Washington were among entertainers reaching out to young adults to spark their interest in the new subsidized health plans.
Lady Gaga, Olivia Wilde and Amy Poehler went one step further and held hand-made signs with the hashtag #GetCovered in an attempt to urge others to sign up for the plan.
The administration aims to sign up at least 2.7 million young, healthy Americans in Obamacare’s insurance plans in their first year to offset the costs of sicker beneficiaries.