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HE HEARTS ISLAM: Obama’s Intel Chiefs Lied to Congress About Muslim Brotherhood Connections

Allen B West – Ever since President Obama’s speech in 2009 in Cairo — the birthplace of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) — there have always been questions about the Obama administration’s link to the grandfather of Islamic terrorism. Now, thanks to the work of Ryan Mauro at the Clarion Project, it seems the concern is warranted, as Mauro reports that “Newly declassified documents obtained by the Clarion Project show that the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) misled members of Congress in 2012 about its involvement with Muslim Brotherhood-linked entities. Further, the documents show that there were even a number of internal communications within the Office of the Director of National Intelligence expressing concerns about the Brotherhood links of these entities.”

There is no doubt that this current administration is very close to groups such as the Council for American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and Islamic Society of North America (ISNA).

The Clarion Project reports that the story of the deception began when the Director of National Intelligence James Clapper testified to Congress on February 10, 2011 saying that the Muslim Brotherhood is “a very heterogeneous group, largely secular, which has eschewed violence and has described Al-Qaeda as a perversion of Islam.”

If this weren’t so serious, it would be laughable. For Clapper to state the Muslim Brotherhood has eschewed violence and is some benign organization is ludicrous and calls into question his competence. Obviously Director of National Intelligence Clapper has never read the MB’s Explanatory Memorandum for their Strategic Objective in North America. Furthermore, he has never read the MB Charter, which is much aligned with the “perversion of Islam” of al-Qaida, a group which spawned — and it’s not really a perversion if you read the Koran and the hadiths. Just ask Meriam Yehya Ibrahim, the 27-year-old pregnant woman being held in prison in Sudan for apostasy about the perversions of Islam — we reported on her story here.

In the hearing in February 2011, Clapper was asked by Rep. Jeff Miller (R-FL) about the administration’s relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood. He answered, “There have been outreaches to the Muslim community in general, but I guess we’re not aware of any direct outreach to these particular organizations. That is, if you’re speaking domestically.”

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