SICK: Four-Time Deportee Arrested For Molesting Little Girl In Texas

This is just one of those illegal aliens looking for a better life, right? This sicko who has been arrested for allegedly molesting a 9-year-old girl has already been deported four times, according to CBS DFW. He arrived to Texas about 30 days ago from Mexico, according to some relatives. See below…
PARKER COUNTY (CBSDFW.COM) – Authorities in Parker County have arrested a man suspected of molesting a 9-year-old girl as she slept in her home. The man, 35-year-old Israel Andrade, has been deported from the United States on four different occasions.
Parker County Sheriff’s deputies responded to a 9-1-1 call on Saturday, after a woman called to report her daughter had been sexually fondled by a stranger who broke into her home.
The 9-year-old victim, who had been sleeping on the family couch with siblings, told deputies that she was awakened by a man who was groping her in her private areas.
Andrade was arrested and charged with burglary of a habitation with intent to commit another felony — indecency with a child by sexual contact — a first-degree felony.
According to records from the Immigration and Naturalization Service, Andrade had been deported from the U.S. on four different occasions: July 2003, Feb. 2004, Sept. 2009 and again in Dec. 2010.
Relatives say that Andrade arrived in Texas from Mexico about 30 days ago.
Read more: CBS Local Dallas-Fort Worth