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LONELY & INFECTED: The Hook-Up Culture Is Getting 20-Somethings Nowhere

Hate to say I told you so…I guess parents weren’t all that wrong about their dating advice after all. The hook up culture in America is getting young people nowhere, except with issues and infections. Check it out from Erica Gordon at Elite Daily

To say that our generation is inadequate when it comes to romantic relationships would be the understatement of the year.

Instead of relationships, it’s non-relationships that we’re condoning. Participating in today’s hook-up culture is easy and fun, but is it getting our generation anywhere? What are we gaining?

The real question is, what are we missing out on? The series of hookups and non-relationships leave us feeling unfulfilled; yet, barely anyone seems willing to do anything about it.

The Non-Date and the Non-Breakup

What thwarts me the most about the hook-up culture is the excessively nonchalant attitudes we all seem to deal with when it comes to someone we’re interested in.

Many people believe that playing it cool or not caring is considered attractive, but it’s actually quite discouraging.

A man I recently met (let’s call him Dick), who I shared a mutual attraction with, would of course send me text messages that read something like, “Hey, maybe we can meet up for a bit at some point this weekend?”

It’s the “maybe” and the “at some point” that gets to me. The epidemic of passive man is upon us. Let’s use Dick’s text message as an example: An underlying fear of coming across as too eager or being rejected is likely the cause behind this ambiguity.

Traditional Dating is Dying Out

This generation needs to start dating again. I talk to women all the time who are losing hope that they’ll ever find a man who is actually willing to delete his Tinder account and just be with one awesome woman.

What these women need to realize is that traditional dating is dying, but it’s not dead yet. There are still men out there who do have the balls to take a risk or make a sacrifice for a special someone.

A Communication Breakdown

It’s fair to state that humans are complicated beings with complicated thoughts. Unfortunately, today’s communication formats don’t allow complicated thoughts to present themselves appropriately.

Since all we’re doing is texting each other all the time, we’re used to communicating in a brief, simple and casual way. We need to bring back the phone call.

Read more: Elite Daily

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