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HILARIOUS: Check Out What ISIS Thinks Will Make U.S. Soldiers Shake In Their Boots

ISIS has put out a video showcasing their training tactics, which include some serious Kung-Fu moves. Check it out…

While Obama continues to simply ignore ISIS in hopes they’ll go away, the reality is that ISIS continues to grow increasingly fast. Unfortunately for them, however, it seems they have a ways to go as their newly released propaganda video demonstrated their seriously devastating Kung-Fu moves.

Yes, you read that right. As Vocative reports:

Apparently getting kicked in the chest, crawling under gunfire and taking part in Kung-Fu-style mock battles are all part of training for new ISIS recruits. Chilling at first, the video takes a turn for the bizarre during a Bruce-Lee-inspired sequence, complete with flying kicks and dramatic falls. The more routine and effective demonstrations include how to rescue compatriots on the battlefield, the basics of taking apart and reassembling an AK-47 and, most frightening of all, lessons on how to be a martyr.

Read more: Mad World News