IF YOU’RE A GIRL: And You Love Hunting, Then Check This Out – The 2016 Extreme Huntress Competition
Forward to all your girl friends who love to hunt. Pictured above is Regis Giles of GirlsJustWannaHaveGuns.com.
What is the Extreme Huntress™ Competition presented by Brownells?
The Extreme Huntress™ Competition presented by Brownells® is about preserving our outdoor heritage. Our goal is to create positive role models for women who want to participate in hunting.
With a 50% divorce rate among parents and kids becoming invested in other sports at a younger and younger age, kids may not have the role models or opportunity to start hunting when they reach the legal age to hunt (12 or 14 depending on the state). If mom goes hunting, so will her children, thus preserving our outdoor heritage for future generations.
Now in its sixth year, the competition is wildly popular among contestants and fans. The Extreme Huntress Competition continues to set the bar for serious outdoors women, while at the same time providing positive role models for women who are new to hunting, shooting and other traditional outdoor sports.
How does the Extreme Huntress™ Competition work?
The Extreme Huntress Competition takes nearly nine months for the contestants to complete. We are now heading into Stage 5 of the competition. Now you get the opportunity to see these women in action– and you get the opportunity to vote 13 times.
Beginning Sunday, October 5th at 8:30pm EST, the first episode of Extreme Huntress will air online. Afterwards you can vote on which Extreme Huntress you think should win that episode. These short, 15-minute episodes will air each week for a total of 13 weeks. Every week you get a new chance to vote!
The winner of the 2015 Extreme Huntress Competition will be announced in January.
See more at Extreme Huntress