Colorado Cop Killed In PP Shooting Shows Everyone What Pro-Life REALLY Means

By now most people know that psychopath Robert Lewis Dear shot up a strip mall “in the vicinity” of a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood clinic. Thus far, authorities are still not sure why. What is clear is that based on the location, the shooter not only killed three people, but in the process also handed the #ShoutYourAbortion crowd a textbook tragedy to exploit.
That’s why, in the aftermath of the shooting, to deflect attention from a scandal involving the abortion provider getting caught peddling baby body parts for profit, Planned Parenthood opportunists and apologists are choosing to focus on how inflammatory rhetoric is causing the pro-choice movement to be victimized.
How are they doing it?
Allegedly, after being taken into custody, Mr. Dear mumbled something about “no more baby parts.” A deranged man with an automatic weapon, uttering those four words is all the left needed to confirm that the hermit’s actions represent the secret intent of anyone that opposes abortion.
What the media has not disclosed yet is whether Robert Lewis Dear was also talking to his dead grandmother, or receiving a top-secret transmission from outer space.
Granted, Dear did have suspect twig crucifix nailed to the side of his canary yellow cabin, but according to his neighbors the recluse never mentioned religion, nor did he ever voice opposition to abortion. Yet despite having nothing to base the allegation on, some on the left have elevated this mentally ill recluse to the position of pro-life poster boy.
And even though no one knows, with any degree of certainty, what Robert Lewis Dear really believes, what we do know is that one of the three people who died in the shooting, pastor/cop Officer Garrett Swasey, was a proud pro-life Christian.
And to prove it, despite probably knowing about the videotapes that exposed Planned Parenthood dismembering of human babies, Officer Swasey still chose to rescue more pro-choice women from the jaws of death then Dear managed to blow away.
What liberals conveniently forget to mention is that, despite Dear’s two other victims being there to “support friends”, the patients Garrett Swasey saved were at the clinic to submit their unborn babies to a violent procedure that contradicted his core religious beliefs.
With that in mind, instead of speculating about what motivated Robert Lewis Dear, why not change the subject to Swasey who, by not hesitating to put the safety of pro-choice women above his own life, demonstrated the entirety of what it truly means to be pro-life?
While we wait for that to happen, the #ShoutYourAbortion crew will continue to exploit any thing they think can distract from the carnage that takes place daily in Planned Parenthood abortion clinics all across America.
But, try as might, what the left will never be able to undercut is the power of the message an unselfish pro-life Christian man named Garrett Swasey relayed to Pro-choice America when he freely laid down his own life so that women planning to abort unborn babies — whose body parts might even be sold to the highest bidder — could live.
In the end, it wasn’t a twisted murderer named Robert Lewis Dear that demonstrated what it means to be pro-life; it was the impartial, mindful sacrifice, on behalf of the sanctity of life, exhibited by Garrett Swasey.
Image: Screen Shot: