Let’s Remember A Time When The Pledge Of Allegiance Was Valued In America

Young people may not remember a time when television programming felt a responsibility to morality. The FCC prohibited certain topics and situations that were considered “obscene and indecent.”
Individual broadcasting companies had their own departments that approved scenes before they could be aired. In the 1950’s, a married couple in a sitcom would occupy twin beds rather than sleep together in a bed. It was all in an effort to keep broadcasting family friendly and not encourage bad behavior or loose morality. Today’s reality shows, movies, soap operas and such would never even be aired. They would be considered all that could be off color and immoral in the world. Gospel music, patriotic and religious lessons were encouraged and written into programming, instilling values that were considered desirable to society.
The results were which created good, quality entertainment on television, even with only three or so channels available.
Today’s viewer has at least one hundred or more channels, and it seems that there is nothing good to watch anymore.
The Red Skelton Hour was a comic variety show that ran from 1951 to 1971. Red Skelton was a former Vaudevillian and radio personality who transitioned over to television with ease.
His show was always wholesome and extremely entertaining.
One skit that particularly stands out is his rendition of a former teacher’s explanation of the meaning behind The Pledge of Allegiance.
His teacher had noticed that students were reciting the pledge without really thinking about or understanding the meaning behind the words.
The teacher patiently went through every word, explaining how the words related to the students and the people of the United States.
After adding feeling to the verse, he went on to ask the students to recite the Pledge.
Red Skelton added his own observation to his mentor’s explanation.
[Editor: Transcript and video can be seen here.]“Since I was a small boy, two states and two words have been added to the Pledge of Allegiance: Under God. Wouldn’t it be a pity if someone said that is a prayer, and that would be eliminated from schools too?”
It is ironic that a comedian would be so prophetic in his words.
Daily, people are complaining about anything that is related to Christianity and religion. Everyone is offended by Christian worship while defending another group that takes killing to religious level and calls it good, all in the name of their god.
This same group, unlike Christianity that offers and gives free choice to unbelievers, would force their beliefs on everyone or have them put to death. They cry tolerance, but offer none in return. It is their way or no way.
We cannot return to the past, but it would be a good thing to see people stand up for morals and a Christian’s right to worship in this country. To stand together to stop the moral decay of the family and return to leading the youth in society upon the right paths.
Last week was Thanksgiving, a holiday initiated by the Pilgrims, along with the Native Americans that assisted them in their very survival.
Called Pilgrims because they were willing to leave the comfort of England to settle in the New World, in order to worship as they chose, to be free to live as they felt was morally right and best.
The American Spirit is that of the original rebel and should not be put to heel by any one group or thing, most especially by those who would have freedom of religion, while offering only one choice.
Share if you think the Pledge of Allegiance needs some reflection.