#SanBernardino Terror Mosque Attendee Just Said This About TRUMP … I Think Donald TERRIFIES Them!

This terror mosque attendee seems to be intimidated by Donald Trump. What do you think?
SAN BERNARDINO, California – A regular attendee of the mosque attended by San Bernardino terrorist Syed Farook has told Breitbart News that the congregation “don’t like Donald Trump”.
Mr. Shehata, who was speaking at a press conference inside the mosque today was asked by Breitbart News what political opinions the congregation expressed, after commenting during the official press conference that he felt his fellow Muslims were “normal” people who had political opinions.
After the press conference in the Dar Al Uloom Al Islamiyah of America centre in northern San Bernardino, Breitbart News caught up with Mr. Shehata, asking him what he meant by “political opinions”.
“I know where you’re going,” he said. “We don’t have any pro-ISIS,” he added, before being asked about American politics.
“We talk about Donald Trump, we talk about the election,” he volunteered, “We are like any other Americans. We have opinions. But we don’t have any extreme opinions, we don’t have any hatred for nobody. We don’t want anybody to be killed.”
“What do you say about Donald Trump,” Breitbart News asked.
“We don’t like him,” Mr. Shehata – who says he attends the mosque three times a day, replied.
Read more: Breitbart