Take WILD Guess What Obama Did on a Sunny Saturday Instead of Scalia’s Funeral

Obama did exactly what we all knew he would be doing while he was skipping out on Justice Scalia’s funeral.
On Saturday morning at 10:30, the White House sent word to the press corps that they were calling a lid; in other words, Obama would not be leaving the White House for the rest of the day, keeping in line with Earnest’s statement.
It was a clear signal that even on a day when Washington was unseasonably warm with spring-like temperatures and sunny skies, the president would not be hitting the golf course, as he often does when there is a break in the weather.
More so, as was made clear several days prior, to much criticism, Obama would not be attending the funeral mass of deceased Justice Antonin Scalia, also being held Saturday.
But, by Sunday, the urge to put work and remembrance aside and play some golf was just too strong to ignore.
A 10:00AM White House call-time for the press pool was bumped up two hours to 8:00AM—Secret Service were spotted wearing khakis and baseball caps—it was clear, the president wanted to hit the links.
Read more: IJ Review