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WATCH: SNL Kicks The Living CRAP Out Of A FLAILING Hillary

SNL ruthlessly went after Hillary in their latest skit that aired last night — and you’re going to love it. They especially took aim at her hopeless attempt to act like ‘normal’ Americans.

Kate McKinnon’s “Hillary” took a series of shots at her Democratic rival, Sen. Bernie Sanders, in SNL’s opening after losing the last eight states to him in a row (seven when the segment ran).

Her focus is now on her adopted home state of New York and its 291 Democratic delegates. In an attempt to assure her victory in the Empire State, she donned a New York ball cap and attempted to eat a New York street vendor’s frankfurter.

“And later tonight I’m going to take in that hot new Broadway show that’s got all of NYC abuzz — ‘Chicago!’”

“But you know what my favorite part about New York is? The subway,” she added. “I love to ride it and I’m comfortable riding it.”

Read more: Biz Pac Review

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