HEY BERNIE FANS: Venezuela’s Socialized Medicine Threatens Life of Baby Boy
For eight years I have corresponded with a woman from Venezuela. Her name is Jacqueline Ogilvie and she is a retired surgeon in that God-forsaken hellhole.
Although I’ve offered to send Jacqueline care packages, coffee, sugar, oil all she’s ever asked me was to pray.
Recently, I contacted Jacqueline to ask how she was doing because I knew the people of Venezuela were suffering. After waiting in line in government-run supermarkets, 30-million people, led by socialist dictator Nicolás Maduro, endure the ravages of empty grocery shelves.
Then, there’s the socialized medicine that American progressives tout as being a panacea; in Venezuela, socialized medicine is a death sentence.
That brings us to the only thing Jacqueline ever expressed concern about, which is a little baby boy named Jose Manuel Villamizar Zambrano whose family contacted her pleading for help.
Jose is 5-months-old and needs a complicated heart operation. The baby must receive treatment between the ages of 4- and 6-months. At the time of the family’s correspondence with Dr. Ogilvie, Jose was 5 months and 20 days.
According to the message, the parents brought the child to the “free” hospital for care, but because of old broken down equipment, and the high cost of treatment, he and his parents were turned away.
In other words, Venezuela’s “free” health care system, sent a baby that could be easily saved, home to die.
Here is a portion of the letter Dr. Ogilvie received, which said:
From the hospital Central Tachira sent in February 2016, a folder with all documents to the Children Cardiologico baby in Montalban – Caracas. We were there on Tuesday, 26 April this year and was informed that the hospital was not operating as it had damaged the equipment to catheterization and operation entity.
“Damaged equipment?”
Clearly, the free socialized medicine offered by Venezuelan government comes at a high cost.
In order for Jose to live, he needs care at a private clinic – quickly. According to Dr. Jacqueline, if a person in Venezuela cannot afford care at a private clinic in Venezuela, “You’re dead!”
The problem is that in Venezuela, people without toilet paper and running water do not have the means to buy food, let alone save the life of a dying baby.
According to Dr. Maria Capecchi, the urgent “cataterismo diagnostic” and subsequent surgery for little Jose will cost $10,000.00 at the Clinic Santa Sofia.
That is why I decided to do something I would never do. I put up a GoFundMe page to try to raise the money to try to save a baby in a desperate situation.
Jose’s plight is not only heartbreaking, but it delivers a sobering truth to what might lie ahead for America’s children if the socialism the left is pushing actually becomes a reality.
If you’re interested in helping keep Jose alive, go to the GoFundMe page entitled: A Heart for Jose and give what you can. Every little bit will help.
Many thanks to CLASH Daily’s big heart.
Image: https://panampost.com/marcela-estrada/2014/04/08/venezuelan-physicians-speak-out-we-cant-win-the-battle-against-death-without-supplies/