DEAR AMERICA: Do You CARE If A Muslim Is OFFENDED By Our National Anthem?
Do you think Muslims have a right to be offended by our National Anthem? Or do you think they should embrace the culture of a country that they move to?
Imagine if the following was happening here in America. What would you do? Check it out…
by Thomas Holmes
Everybody’s favorite militant and oppressive- yet somehow peace-loving- cult of religious immigrants is back in the news. Last week, we reported on things getting serious in the U.K., today it’s all about Great Brit’s former colony of criminals, Australia. Yep, after escaping to Down Under and western freedom, a glut of Islamists now declare that Australia has no right to ask Muslims to sing their national anthem or value the democratic principles of western citizenship.
This, according to Islamic activist group, Hizb-ut-Tahrir, which is campaigning against Australia because they believe the country is enforcing democratic values and a “disputed view” of history which contradicts Islamic beliefs.
“Requiring schoolchildren to sing the national anthem, and the citizenship pledge supporting democratic values, are a part of an oppressive campaign by Australian authorities of ‘forced assimilation’ of the Muslim community”.
– Hizb-ut-Tahrir spokesman, Unthman Badar
Well, if there’s one culture that knows a thing or two about “forced assimilation” it would be Islam. Mr. Badar goes on to insist that this supposed oppression is due to an “exaggerated fear of a security threat”. Yeah, because someone who represents a belief system with a history of violence while giving the finger to democracy from inside your own borders is a totally absurd thing to be concerned about. Personally, I think Mr. Badar is just ticked off because he thinks the government got their indoctrination process started before he could start his.
Getting back to the whole national anthem quibble, Mr. Badar asks, “If you don’t share those values, why should they [Muslim children] be forced to sing it?” Believe it or not, Mr. Badar does veer into a valid question, although he mistakenly thinks it lends credence to his argument. If our western leaders would take a second to remove their heads from a certain sun-less location they might realize what this question actually implies: If Muslims don’t share our values, why would they want to migrate to democratic countries? If they reject democracy in favor of continued Muslim/Sharia culture, are they really “fleeing” from that society at all? Why would we want people like that inside our borders?
Mr. Badar makes another crucial point when he states, “The attempt to reform Islam is doomed to failure.” Truer words have never been spoken. Sharia living is inseparable from Islam as any Muslim who admits to living under the Quran will tell you. The so-called western Muslims are keeping quiet about all these “Bad Muslims” either because they’re in abject denial about true Islam, in outright disobedience – which would be a death sentence – or are secretly supportive. Either way, it’s past time western leaders took a page out of Islam’s dedication and started identifying liberty-centric principles to stand up for exactly what democracy is and… is not. Anyone who wants to stand on our side of the line is welcome, anyone who doesn’t can go back home and rape your own women and embrace global hate.
Read more: Pamela Geller