LMAO: Here’s The HILARIOUS Solution To The TRANS Toilet Debacle (MEME)
This perfectly illustrates how to solve the transgender bathroom problem — do you agree?
This way everyone can urinate in peace and in their own place.
Do you think this is a great idea?
Rush Limbaugh seems to have the perfect solution for states that refuse to bow to Obama’s transgender bathroom orders:
To counter the Obama Department of Justice suit regarding transgender bathrooms in North Carolina, Rush Limbaugh suggested that the state should no longer identify as North Carolina for the duration of the suit.
Monday on “The Rush Limbaugh Show,” Limbaugh, noting that the DOJ gave the state of North Carolina three days to “throw that bill out,” said that “If the DOJ gets their way, every business 15 employees or more, is gonna have to have unisex bathrooms and anybody can go into whatever bathroom they want depending how they want to identify or want to present that day.”
“The solution here might be that the North Carolina governor could say that we don’t identify as North Carolina anymore, and therefore your lawsuit against us is irrelevant,” Limbaugh suggested. “‘We’re not North Carolina. We don’t identify that way, as long as your lawsuit [is in effect].’”
Read more: Daily Caller