This MAJOR Conservative Shows How Trump Will CRUSH Hillary

Michael Walsh explains exactly how Trump in going to crush Hillary in the general election come November. Do you think this makes sense? Or do you think Trump doesn’t stand a chance against Hillary? Check this out and leave your comments below!
Absent an alien invasion, the zombie apocalypse or the sudden re-annexation of California by Mexico, Donald Trump will be the Republican candidate for president. It’s time to move on to the real question: Can he beat Hillary Clinton?
You’re darn right he can.
This runs contrary to conventional wisdom, of course. Then again, conventional wisdom also said (a) that he wouldn’t run, (b) that establishment candidates like Jeb Bush, Scott Walker and Rick Perry would crush him in the primaries and (c) that the Republican electorate would never accept a social liberal who donates lavishly across the political spectrum and doesn’t seem terribly interested in any ideology other than “America First.”
Does anyone think that, in the debates, Hillary will be able to withstand the blunt-force trauma the braggadocious billionaire deployed to knock Jeb and his other rivals out of the race?
Trump won’t hesitate to hammer her, and everything from Monica Lewinsky and Bubba’s “bimbo eruptions” to Whitewater, to Benghazi will be on the table. He’ll also saddle her with the miserable Obama economy — seven straight years of anemic growth below 3 percent, the coal industry collapsing, a record number of able-bodied men and women out of the workforce. Millions will cheer.
In the last few primaries, Trump outperformed his poll numbers by 6 percent (New York) to 12 percent (Pennsylvania). Which indicates that — surprise — folks sometimes lie to pollsters even as they secretly admire Trump’s freewheeling positions on such hot-button issues as illegal immigration, Islamic terrorism and the Obama administration’s diplomatic ineptitude.
Finally, there’s this: What doesn’t take Trump down only makes him stronger and more popular. Every rival who’s rushed him headlong has been eliminated. Every time he says something that’s the “last straw,” his numbers jump.
Read more: NY Post